There are so many nooks and crannies in your kitchen, and after you make a particularly robust meal, a few particular spots might need your attention. Take the crevice in between your countertop and oven, for example: This area can accumulate grime over time. Luckily, giving this hidden area a quick clean is simple. "If possible, slide the oven out of its spot and do a thorough cleaning of the surrounding floor, walls, and counters," explains Kathy Cohoon, the director of franchise operations of Two Maids & A Mop. Use all-purpose cleaning spray to rid the area of debris, she adds.
In the event that the area between your countertop and oven is tight, Cohoon suggests using a butter knife or thin cleaning brush to slide into the crevice; this will shake loose any dry debris or caked on food. If the gap is wide enough, use a vacuum attachment to suck up any crumbs and or grime.
Related: A Guide to Seriously Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen
After removing the dry debris, spray an all-purpose cleaner in the crack between the oven and counter. Then, wrap a butter knife with a soft cloth or paper towel and slide it into the area; move it up and down to dislodge any gunk. Cohoon says to repeat these steps as needed and use a countertop vacuum often to keep the area free of debris for longer.
While you might be tempted to close up the space altogether, Cohoon says to steer clear of doing so to avoid a safety hazard. "Filling the gap with caulk or a rolled up cloth long-term can be dangerous due to ventilation and heat issues," she says. Instead "roll up a cloth and place it over the gap to avoid any food waste getting stuck there," adds the cleaning expert, when you're making something particularly messy.