The Clever Substitute You Can Use For A Brush In The Kitchen

2022-07-23 03:11:46 By : Mr. Witt Zhang

Kitchen clutter is real. So many gadgets and gear take up space on our countertops and in our drawers. While there are some cooking tools every kitchen should have, you may be thinking twice about whether or not you really need some of these items and if you can make do without them. A blogger at Rural Sprout had this very same epiphany which resulted in her own Marie Kondo type of moment. Only, instead of asking if things brought her joy, the blogger asked some really practical questions about these culinary items including "Are you earning your keep? Do you deserve a spot in my cupboard? Why are there three of you? Why is there so much dust on you?" Amen.

On the flip side, what if you get rid of something that you suddenly need? We've all been there, especially when it comes to a basting brush. A basting brush, or pastry brush as it's often called, can be used to brush marinades and sauces onto your favorite meat. Martha Stewart notes that it's a practical tool if you bake pies or pastry puffs and need to apply an egg wash. However, there is no need to fret if you find yourself in need and without a basting brush. Luckily, Cooking Light has a clever substitute for this brush in the kitchen.

If you have tossed your basting brush for whatever reason or don't have one and need one, parchment paper is about to become your new best friend. Cooking Light shares how this paper can become a tool by simply repeatedly folding it until you have a small rectangle. They explain that once you have your little rectangle, all you need to do is take your scissors and give the parchment paper a fringe or tassel-like cut, and voila, you have a substitute for your basting or pastry brush.  

However, if you find yourself without this in the house, here are seven of the best substitutes for parchment paper, although not all of these can be used in place of a basting brush. The Spruce Eats offers some suggestions, like using some lettuce or even a sprig of herbs to dip and dab at your food. This method works well with marinades and meats. A paper towel can be rolled up into a ball and dipped into an egg wash and painted onto your pastries and Ziploc bags can be used as a container for both the basting liquid and the meat or vegetable that needs it. Simply put the food in the bag and shake it.

It really is this easy — no basting brush required. Necessity really is the mother of invention.