Reminder: New Trash/Recycling Schedule Starts Monday, August 1, 2022 | City of Madison, City of Madison, Wisconsin

2022-07-30 03:06:01 By : Mr. Qi Yu

The City of Madison Streets Division would like to remind you to download and use the trash and recycling calendar for your home, especially if you live on the west side of Madison.

The current collection schedule for all Madison residents ends tomorrow, Friday, July 29, 2022.  On Monday, August 1, 2022, a new trash and recycling will begin. 

Approximately 9,000 homes on the west side of Madison will also have a new trash and recycling collection day starting on August 1, 2022. Some homes will change collection day (such as switching from a Friday collection day to Wednesday), while others may just have their recycling collection schedule altered.

In order to see the trash and recycling dates for August 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 you will need to go to the Streets Division website,

Enter your address into the form on the website and you will be able to select the August to December, 2022 calendar.

If you would like a paper copy mailed to your home, or if you have trouble with the online form, please contact our offices between the hours of 7:30am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday. If you live west of South Park Street, call 608-266-4681. If you live east of South Park Street, call 608-246-4532.

Why was the 2022 collection calendar split into half in 2022, and why did so many west side homes have their trash & recycling day changed? The change was done to accommodate the Town of Madison attachment and adapt to the continued growth on Madison’s far west side.

All Madison Residents who Receive Trash & Recycling Collection from the Streets Division Should Download the New Calendar Using the collection calendar for your home will help you keep track of holiday collection schedules and avoid mixing up when your recycling cart should be placed at the curb. 

Additional Information More information about the Streets Division refuse and recycling collection, including how you should use the carts and what should be placed into them, can be found at  

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