Cleaning on a budget: 10 surprising items to clean your home - from potatoes to teabags |

2022-08-08 08:23:32 By : Ms. Marketing Vendlife

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While living costs spiral, many households across the country are feeling the financial pinch. With some store-bought cleaning products erring on the pricier side, many people are searching for cheap alternatives to carry out household chores. You might be surprised to know that some of the most effective products can already be found in your cupboards, such as rice and teabags.

From deep cleaning baths to stains on chopping boards, there are ways to effectively clean using items as cheap and simple as fruit, vegetables and even rubber gloves, according to research by Ocean Finance.

If you're looking for budget-friendly alternatives to satisfy your cleaning needs, here are 10 unexpected items you can use to clean your home.

Abstract vases, for aesthetic purposes, sound like a great idea at the time. But when it comes to keeping them clean, it can prove to be a bit more of an awkward purchase.

Experts at Ocean Finance advised putting a handful of uncooked rice into the bottom of the base with a little bit of washing-up liquid and water.

Cover the opening with your hand and give it a good shake. The hard rice works to scrape off any residue inside - this also works for containers. In this instance, pop the lid on instead and give it a shake.

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For as little as 50p - or 29p if you have a Tesco Clubcard - you can deep clean your whole bathtub.

According to Ocean Finance, by cutting a grapefruit in half and sprinkling a generous amount of salt on top of each, you can leave your bath looking sparkling clean and smelling citrus fresh.

Simply wet the inside of your bath and scrub the salty grapefruit over the top.

To get rid of any dust and dirt between keys and buttons on remotes, controllers and keyboards, turn them on one side and run the brush over the top, making sure to get inside all the gaps.

You can use an old toothbrush, but you might get better results with a new one as it’ll be more firm.

Instead of rushing to the shop after running out of metal scourers, grab the tin foil as according to Ocean Finance experts, this will do the same trick.

The experts said: “If you have any pots that have built up grease on them, scrunch some tin foil up into a ball and use it as you would a scourer.

“The sharp edges of the foil will be able to remove any of the stains, that previously wouldn’t budge.”

This item might be a little less unexpected as lemons are renowned household cleaning gems. However, you might be surprised to know they work particularly well on chopping boards.

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Cut a lemon in half, pour some salt onto the chopping board, and scrub away using the fleshy side of the lemon.

It’s advised to leave this salty lemon solution on the board for around five minutes before rinsing away.

Not only can teabags provide endless joy in a beverage, but these can also work wonders at cleaning glass and chrome, according to Ocean Finance.

It’s advised to first brew a bag in boiling water until it cools down. Next, use the liquid to clean your mirrors, microwave glass, taps, and so on.

Ocean Finance experts said: “This method is an affordable, streak-free alternative to regular glass cleaners. Just make sure you wait until the tea has cooled down fully before you start using it.”

Pet hair is a chore to get rid of. It gets anywhere and everywhere and even when you think you’ve removed it, you probably haven’t.

Bespoke products to remove pet hair can also be quite costly, so you might be surprised to know that for as little as £1, you can get rid of pet hair with a damp rubber glove.

Simply rub the damp glove over your carpet or your sofa and the pet hair will stick.

The fireplace is one of the most dirt and dust-attracting areas in the home and as we approach the colder months, it might be worth giving this area some TLC.

This can be a lot easier than you think, as according to Ocean Finance, all you have to do is grab two handfuls of potato peelings and spread them on a baking sheet.

Let them dry out for around 48 hours then burn the peelings in your fireplace.

Ocean Finance experts said: “As they burn, they will push layers of creosote out of your chimney, which is what was likely to be blocking your fireplace and causing the dirt and dust.”

If your coffee table is plagued with coffee stains and you’re out of ideas to remove them, toothpaste is said to lift these with ease.

Dab some toothpaste on a damp cloth and wipe over the stain. This is also said to be a perfect cleaning solution for stubborn brown liquid residue inside mugs.

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